2021-08-21 19:52:10 +02:00

253 lines
7.5 KiB

// Package data is used to parse the insee number into a usable and human-readable data structure.
// All the required data is embedded in the package so no external file is required.
package data
import (
_ "embed"
var (
// Male is one of the possible values for InseeData.Gender.
Male = "homme"
// Female is the other possible value for InseeData.Gender.
Female = "femme"
// Unknown is a value used when determining the value of a string field in InseeData was not possible.
Unknown = "inconnu(e)"
// France is the only item in the default slice for InseeData.Countries.
France = "FRANCE"
//go:embed curated_data/countries.json
var rawCountries []byte
//go:embed curated_data/departments.json
var rawDepartments []byte
//go:embed curated_data/cities.json
var rawCities []byte
// InseeData contains human-readable data about the insee number used to construct it.
type InseeData struct {
// InseeNumber is the raw number, as given.
InseeNumber string `json:"insee_number"`
// Gender is either Male or Female.
Gender string `json:"gender"`
// Year of birth.
Year int `json:"year"`
// Month of birth.
Month time.Month `json:"month"`
// Department of birth, represented with its name.
Department string `json:"department"`
// City of birth, represented with its name.
City string `json:"city"`
// CityCode is the INSEE code of the City of birth.
CityCode string `json:"city_code"`
// Foreign is false if the person is born in France, true otherwise.
Foreign bool `json:"foreign"`
// Countries is the list of country names matching the CountryCode.
// Some country codes may match multiple countries, so Countries is a slice.
// This is always set to `{"FRANCE"}` when Foreign is false.
Countries []string `json:"countries"`
// CountryCode is the code of the birth country.
CountryCode string `json:"country_code"`
// Continent of birth.
Continent string `json:"continent"`
// OrderOfBirth is the order of birth of the person in the city or country (if Foreign) of birth at the year/month of birth.
// For example, 384 would mean that the person is the 384th born in the specific city/country on the given year/month.
OrderOfBirth int `json:"order_of_birth"`
// ControlKey is the complement to 97 of the insee number (minus the last two digits) modulo 97.
ControlKey int `json:"control_key"`
// NewInseeData generates an InseeData struct, extracting the data into the relevant fields.
// The data is converted to a human-readable format before being stored.
// If a value can't be determined, the corresponding field is generally set to Unknown.
func NewInseeData(inseeNumber string) (*InseeData, error) {
if len(inseeNumber) != 15 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("le numéro INSEE number must contain 15 characters")
num := inseeNumber
departmentCode := num[5:7]
cityCode := num[7:10]
if departmentCode == "97" || departmentCode == "98" {
departmentCode = num[5:8]
cityCode = num[8:10]
dep, err := strconv.Atoi(departmentCode)
if err != nil && departmentCode != "2A" && departmentCode != "2B" {
return nil, err
var city string
var department string
countries_ := []string{France}
countryCode := ""
continent := "Europe"
foreign := (dep >= 91 && dep <= 96) || dep == 99
if foreign {
foreign = true
countryCode = cityCode
cityCode = ""
countries_ = getCountry("99" + countryCode)
continent = continents[countryCode[0:1]]
department = Unknown
} else {
city = getCity(departmentCode + cityCode)
department = getDepartment(departmentCode)
order, err := strconv.Atoi(num[10:13])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
controlKey, err := strconv.Atoi(num[13:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
monthInt, err := strconv.Atoi(num[3:5])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
month := time.Month(monthInt)
year, err := strconv.Atoi(num[1:3])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
year += 2000
now := time.Now()
birthday := time.Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location())
if birthday.After(now) {
year -= 100
gender := num[0:1]
if gender == "1" {
gender = Male
} else {
gender = Female
return &InseeData{
InseeNumber: num,
Gender: gender,
Year: year,
Month: month,
Department: department,
City: city,
CityCode: cityCode,
Foreign: foreign,
Countries: countries_,
CountryCode: countryCode,
Continent: continent,
OrderOfBirth: order,
ControlKey: controlKey,
}, nil
// IsValid returns true when the insee number is valid and false when not.
// The insee number is valid when it matches its ControlKey.
func (insee InseeData) IsValid() (bool, error) {
r := strings.NewReplacer(
"2A", "19",
"2B", "18",
num := r.Replace(insee.InseeNumber[:len(insee.InseeNumber)-2])
numInt, err := strconv.Atoi(num)
if err != nil {
return false, err
code := 97 - (numInt % 97)
return code == insee.ControlKey, nil
// String returns a string representation of the InseeData in a human-readable format, suited for printing to stdout.
func (insee InseeData) String() string {
var result []string
result = append(result, insee.InseeNumber)
var line string
valid, err := insee.IsValid()
if err != nil {
line = "Erreur lors de la vérification de la validité : " + err.Error()
} else if valid {
line = "Le numéro est valide."
} else {
line = "Le numéro est invalide."
result = append(result, line)
var one, born string
if insee.Gender == Male {
one = "un"
born = "né"
} else {
one = "une"
born = "née"
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s %s, %s en %s probablement en %d.", one, insee.Gender, born, frenchMonth(insee.Month), insee.Year)
result = append(result, line)
var zoneType string
if insee.Foreign {
zoneType = "ce pays"
if len(insee.Countries) > 1 {
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s dans l'un de ces pays/territoires: %s (%s)", born, strings.Join(insee.Countries, ", "), insee.Continent)
} else if len(insee.Countries) == 1 {
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s en %s (%s).", born, insee.Countries[0], insee.Continent)
} else {
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s dans un pays inconnu, portant l'identifiant %s.", born, insee.CountryCode)
} else {
zoneType = "cette ville"
if insee.City != Unknown {
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s à %s (%s, France)", born, insee.City, insee.Department)
} else {
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes %s dans une ville inconnue portant l'identifiant %s dans le département \"%s\"", born, insee.CityCode, insee.Department)
result = append(result, line)
line = fmt.Sprintf("Vous êtes la %de personne née dans %s le mois de votre naissance.", insee.OrderOfBirth, zoneType)
result = append(result, line)
lineB, err := json.Marshal(insee)
if err != nil {
line = "Erreur lors de la conversion en JSON: " + err.Error()
} else {
line = string(lineB)
result = append(result, line)
return strings.Join(result, "\n")
func getCity(cityCode string) string {
return getString(cityCode, rawCities)
func getDepartment(departmentCode string) string {
return getString(departmentCode, rawDepartments)
func getString(code string, rawData []byte) string {
cities := map[string]string{}
err := json.Unmarshal(rawData, &cities)
if err != nil {
return Unknown
item, present := cities[code]
if present {
return item
} else {
return Unknown
func getCountry(code string) []string {
cities := map[string][]string{}
err := json.Unmarshal(rawCountries, &cities)
if err != nil {
return []string{}
city, present := cities[code]
if present {
return city
} else {
return []string{}