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//! Data structures for configuring a Python interpreter.
/// Defines which allocator to use for the raw domain.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PythonRawAllocator {
/// Use jemalloc.
/// Use the Rust global allocator.
/// Use the system allocator.
/// Defines Python code to run.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum PythonRunMode {
/// No-op.
/// Run a Python REPL.
/// Run a Python module as the main module.
Module { module: String },
/// Evaluate Python code from a string.
Eval { code: String },
/// Holds the configuration of an embedded Python interpreter.
/// Instances of this struct can be used to construct Python interpreters.
/// Each instance contains the total state to define the run-time behavior of
/// a Python interpreter.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PythonConfig {
/// Name of the current program to tell to Python.
pub program_name: String,
/// Name of encoding for stdio handles.
pub standard_io_encoding: Option<String>,
/// Name of encoding error mode for stdio handles.
pub standard_io_errors: Option<String>,
/// Python optimization level.
pub opt_level: i32,
/// Whether to load our custom frozen importlib bootstrap modules.
pub use_custom_importlib: bool,
/// Whether to load the filesystem-based sys.meta_path finder.
pub filesystem_importer: bool,
/// Filesystem paths to add to sys.path.
/// ``$ORIGIN`` will resolve to the directory of the application at
/// run-time.
pub sys_paths: Vec<String>,
/// Whether to load the module at initialization time.
pub import_site: bool,
/// Whether to load a user-specific site module at initialization time.
pub import_user_site: bool,
/// Whether to ignore various PYTHON* environment variables.
pub ignore_python_env: bool,
/// Whether to suppress writing of ``.pyc`` files when importing ``.py``
/// files from the filesystem. This is typically irrelevant since modules
/// are imported from memory.
pub dont_write_bytecode: bool,
/// Whether stdout and stderr streams should be unbuffered.
pub unbuffered_stdio: bool,
/// Bytecode for the importlib._bootstrap / _frozen_importlib module.
pub frozen_importlib_data: &'static [u8],
/// Bytecode for the importlib._bootstrap_external / _frozen_importlib_external module.
pub frozen_importlib_external_data: &'static [u8],
/// Reference to raw Python modules data.
/// The referenced data is produced as part of PyOxidizer packaging. This
/// likely comes from an include_bytes!(...) of a file generated by PyOxidizer.
pub py_modules_data: &'static [u8],
/// Reference to raw Python resources data.
/// The referenced data is produced as part of PyOxidizer packaging. This
/// likely comes from an include_bytes!(...) of a file generated by PyOxidizer.
pub py_resources_data: &'static [u8],
/// Whether to set sys.argvb with bytes versions of process arguments.
/// On Windows, bytes will be UTF-16. On POSIX, bytes will be raw char*
/// values passed to `int main()`.
pub argvb: bool,
/// Which memory allocator to use for the raw domain.
pub raw_allocator: PythonRawAllocator,
/// Environment variable holding the directory to write a loaded modules file.
/// If this value is set and the environment it refers to is set,
/// on interpreter shutdown, we will write a ``modules-<random>`` file to
/// the directory specified containing a ``\n`` delimited list of modules
/// loaded in ``sys.modules``.
pub write_modules_directory_env: Option<String>,
/// Defines what code to run by default.
pub run: PythonRunMode,