import os import re from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from pathlib import Path from typing import List import requests from invoke import Context, task TARGETS = [ "darwin/amd64", "freebsd/386", "freebsd/amd64", "freebsd/arm", "freebsd/arm64", "linux/386", "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "windows/386", "windows/amd64", "windows/arm", ] BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve(strict=True) DIST_DIR = BASE_DIR / "dist" GITEA_TOKEN = os.getenv("GITEA_TOKEN") @task def test(context): """Run tests""" context: Context with"go test ./... -race -bench .", echo=True) @task def clean(context): """Clean dist files""""rm -rf {DIST_DIR}", echo=True) @task(pre=[test], post=[clean]) def release(context, version_name): """Create & push git tag + build binaries""" tag(context, version_name) binaries = build(context, version_name) upload(context, version_name, binaries) @task(pre=[test]) def tag(context, version_name): """Create & push a git tag""" context: Context version_name = fix_version_name(version_name)"git tag -a {version_name} -m '{version_name}'", echo=True)"git push --follow-tags", echo=True) @task def build(context, version_name): """Cross-platform build""" version_name = fix_version_name(version_name) binaries = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: for target in TARGETS: os, arch = target.split("/") binary_name = f"insee-{version_name}-{os}-{arch}" if os == "windows": binary_name += ".exe" binary_path = DIST_DIR / binary_name binaries.append(binary_path) pool.submit(, f"go build -o {binary_path}", env={"GOOS": os, "GOARCH": arch}, echo=True, ) return binaries @task def upload(ctx, version_name, binaries): context: Context version_name = fix_version_name(version_name) session = requests.Session() if not GITEA_TOKEN: raise ValueError("You need to set the GITEA_TOKEN env var before uploading") session.headers["Authorization"] = f"token {GITEA_TOKEN}" url = "" resp = url, json={"name": version_name, "tag_name": version_name, "draft": True} ) resp.raise_for_status() resp = resp.json() html_url = resp.get("html_url") print(f"The draft release has been created at {html_url}") api_url = resp.get("url") + "/assets" with ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: for binary in binaries: pool.submit(post_attachment, api_url, binary, session) print(f"All uploads are finished. Update & publish your draft: {html_url}") def post_attachment(api_url, binary, session): binary = Path(binary) name = url = api_url + f"?name={name}" print(f"Uploading {name}...") with open(binary, "rb") as f: res =, files={"attachment": f}) status_code = res.status_code if status_code != 201: res = res.json() print(f"Status != 201 for {name}: {status_code} {res}") @task def pre_process(context): """Pre-process raw data into JSON""" files_to_rename = { r"commune.*\.csv": "commune.csv", r"departement.*\.csv": "departement.csv", r"pays.*\.csv": "pays.csv", } raw_data_dir = BASE_DIR / "data" / "raw_data" for file in raw_data_dir.iterdir(): for reg, target_name in files_to_rename.items(): reg = re.compile(reg) if reg.match( file.rename(raw_data_dir / target_name) with"go run ./pre_process") def fix_version_name(version_name: str): if not version_name.startswith("v"): return f"v{version_name}" return version_name