# This file controls the PyOxidizer build configuration. See the # pyoxidizer crate's documentation for extensive documentation # on this file format. [[build]] application_name = "insee_translator" [[embedded_python_config]] raw_allocator = "jemalloc" # dont_write_bytecode = true # ignore_environment = true # no_site = true # no_user_site_directory = true # optimize_level = 0 # stdio_encoding = "utf-8:strict" # unbuffered_stdio = false #write_modules_directory_env = "PYOXIDIZER_WRITE_MODULES_DIR" # Windows doesn't support jemalloc. [[embedded_python_config]] build_target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" raw_allocator = "system" [[packaging_rule]] type = "stdlib-extensions-policy" # Package all available extension modules from the Python distribution. # The Python interpreter will be fully featured. policy = "all" # Only package the minimal set of extension modules needed to initialize # a Python interpreter. Many common packages in Python's standard # library won't work with this setting. # policy = "minimal" # Only package extension modules that don't require linking against # non-Python libraries. e.g. will exclude support for OpenSSL, SQLite3, # other features that require external libraries. # policy = "no-libraries" # Explicit list of extension modules from the distribution to include. # [[packaging_rule]] # type = "stdlib-extensions-explicit-includes" # includes = ["binascii", "errno", "itertools", "math", "select", "_socket"] # Explicit list of extension modules from the distribution to exclude. # [[packaging_rule] # type = "stdlib-extensions-explicit-excludes" # excludes = ["_ssl"] # Package the entire Python standard library without sources. [[packaging_rule]] type = "stdlib" include_source = false # Write out license files next to the produced binary. [[packaging_rule]] type = "write-license-files" path = "" # Package .py files discovered in a local directory. [[packaging_rule]] type = "package-root" path = "." packages = ["data", "main"] # Package things from a populated virtualenv. # [[packaging_rule]] # type = "virtualenv" # path = "/path/to/venv" # Filter all resources collected so far through a filter of names # in a file. # [[packaging_rule]] # type = "filter-include" # files = ["/path/to/filter-file"] # How Python should run by default. This is only needed if you # call ``run()``. For applications customizing how the embedded # Python interpreter is invoked, this section is not relevant. [[embedded_python_run]] # Run an interactive Python interpreter. #mode = "repl" # Import a Python module and run it. mode = "module" module = "main.main" # Evaluate some Python code. #mode = "eval" #code = "import main; main.main()" # END OF COMMON USER-ADJUSTED SETTINGS. # # Everything below this is typically managed by PyOxidizer and doesn't need # to be updated by people. [[python_distribution]] build_target = "x86_64-apple-darwin" url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20190617/cpython-3.7.3-macos-20190618T0523.tar.zst" sha256 = "6668202a3225892ce252eff4bb53a58ac058b6a413ab9d37c026a500c2a561ee" [[python_distribution]] build_target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20190617/cpython-3.7.3-windows-amd64-20190618T0516.tar.zst" sha256 = "fd43554b5654a914846cf1c251d1ad366f46c7c4d20b7c44572251b533351221" [[python_distribution]] build_target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20190617/cpython-3.7.3-linux64-20190618T0324.tar.zst" sha256 = "d6b80a9723c124d6d193f8816fdb874ba6d56abfb35cbfcc2b27de53176d0620" [[python_distribution]] build_target = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" url = "https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20190617/cpython-3.7.3-linux64-musl-20190618T0400.tar.zst" sha256 = "2be2d109b82634b36685b89800887501b619ef946dda182e5a8ab5c7029a8136" [[pyoxidizer]] version = "0.2.0" commit = ""