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2019-07-11 22:24:36 +02:00
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Functionality for a Python importer.
This module defines a Python meta path importer and associated functionality
for importing Python modules from memory.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::sync::Arc;
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use cpython::exc::{FileNotFoundError, ImportError, RuntimeError, ValueError};
use cpython::{
py_class, py_class_impl, py_coerce_item, py_fn, NoArgs, ObjectProtocol, PyClone, PyDict, PyErr,
PyList, PyModule, PyObject, PyResult, PyString, PyTuple, Python, PythonObject, ToPyObject,
use python3_sys as pyffi;
use python3_sys::{PyBUF_READ, PyMemoryView_FromMemory};
use super::pyinterp::PYOXIDIZER_IMPORTER_NAME;
/// Obtain a Python memoryview referencing a memory slice.
/// New memoryview allows Python to access the underlying memory without
/// copying it.
fn get_memory_view(py: Python, data: &'static [u8]) -> Option<PyObject> {
let ptr = unsafe { PyMemoryView_FromMemory(data.as_ptr() as _, data.len() as _, PyBUF_READ) };
unsafe { PyObject::from_owned_ptr_opt(py, ptr) }
/// Holds pointers to Python module data in memory.
struct PythonModuleData {
source: Option<&'static [u8]>,
bytecode: Option<&'static [u8]>,
impl PythonModuleData {
/// Obtain a PyMemoryView instance for source data.
fn get_source_memory_view(&self, py: Python) -> Option<PyObject> {
match self.source {
Some(data) => get_memory_view(py, data),
None => None,
/// Obtain a PyMemoryView instance for bytecode data.
fn get_bytecode_memory_view(&self, py: Python) -> Option<PyObject> {
match self.bytecode {
Some(data) => get_memory_view(py, data),
None => None,
/// Represents Python modules data in memory.
/// This is essentially an index over a raw backing blob.
struct PythonModulesData {
data: HashMap<&'static str, PythonModuleData>,
impl PythonModulesData {
/// Construct a new instance from a memory slice.
fn from(data: &'static [u8]) -> Result<PythonModulesData, &'static str> {
let mut reader = Cursor::new(data);
let count = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading count"))?;
let mut index = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
let mut total_names_length = 0;
let mut total_sources_length = 0;
for _ in 0..count {
let name_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading name length"))?
as usize;
let source_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading source length"))?
as usize;
let bytecode_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading bytecode length"))?
as usize;
index.push((name_length, source_length, bytecode_length));
total_names_length += name_length;
total_sources_length += source_length;
let mut res = HashMap::with_capacity(count as usize);
let sources_start_offset = reader.position() as usize + total_names_length;
let bytecodes_start_offset = sources_start_offset + total_sources_length;
let mut sources_current_offset: usize = 0;
let mut bytecodes_current_offset: usize = 0;
for (name_length, source_length, bytecode_length) in index {
let offset = reader.position() as usize;
let name =
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&data[offset..offset + name_length]) };
let source_offset = sources_start_offset + sources_current_offset;
let source = if source_length > 0 {
Some(&data[source_offset..source_offset + source_length])
} else {
let bytecode_offset = bytecodes_start_offset + bytecodes_current_offset;
let bytecode = if bytecode_length > 0 {
Some(&data[bytecode_offset..bytecode_offset + bytecode_length])
} else {
reader.set_position(offset as u64 + name_length as u64);
sources_current_offset += source_length;
bytecodes_current_offset += bytecode_length;
res.insert(name, PythonModuleData { source, bytecode });
Ok(PythonModulesData { data: res })
/// Represents Python resources data in memory.
/// This is essentially an index over a raw backing blob.
struct PythonResourcesData {
packages: HashMap<&'static str, Arc<Box<HashMap<&'static str, &'static [u8]>>>>,
impl PythonResourcesData {
fn from(data: &'static [u8]) -> Result<PythonResourcesData, &'static str> {
let mut reader = Cursor::new(data);
let package_count = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading package count"))? as usize;
let mut index = Vec::with_capacity(package_count);
let mut total_names_length = 0;
for _ in 0..package_count {
let package_name_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading package name length"))?
as usize;
let resource_count = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading resource count"))?
as usize;
total_names_length += package_name_length;
let mut package_index = Vec::with_capacity(resource_count);
for _ in 0..resource_count {
let resource_name_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading resource name length"))?
as usize;
let resource_data_length = reader
.or_else(|_| Err("failed reading resource data length"))?
as usize;
total_names_length += resource_name_length;
package_index.push((resource_name_length, resource_data_length));
index.push((package_name_length, package_index));
let mut name_offset = reader.position() as usize;
let data_offset = name_offset + total_names_length;
let mut res = HashMap::new();
for (package_name_length, package_index) in index {
let package_name = unsafe {
std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&data[name_offset..name_offset + package_name_length])
name_offset += package_name_length;
let mut package_data = Box::new(HashMap::new());
for (resource_name_length, resource_data_length) in package_index {
let resource_name = unsafe {
&data[name_offset..name_offset + resource_name_length],
name_offset += resource_name_length;
let resource_data = &data[data_offset..data_offset + resource_data_length];
package_data.insert(resource_name, resource_data);
res.insert(package_name, Arc::new(package_data));
Ok(PythonResourcesData { packages: res })
/// Python type to import modules.
/// This type implements the interface for
/// finding/loading modules. It supports loading various flavors of modules,
/// allowing it to be the only registered sys.meta_path importer.
py_class!(class PyOxidizerFinder |py| {
data imp_module: PyModule;
data marshal_loads: PyObject;
data builtin_importer: PyObject;
data frozen_importer: PyObject;
data call_with_frames_removed: PyObject;
data module_spec_type: PyObject;
data decode_source: PyObject;
data exec_fn: PyObject;
data packages: HashSet<&'static str>;
data known_modules: KnownModules;
data resources: HashMap<&'static str, Arc<Box<HashMap<&'static str, &'static [u8]>>>>;
data resource_readers: RefCell<Box<HashMap<String, PyObject>>>;
// Start of interface.
def find_spec(&self, fullname: &PyString, path: &PyObject, target: Option<PyObject> = None) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = fullname.to_string(py)?;
if let Some(flavor) = self.known_modules(py).get(&*key) {
match flavor {
KnownModuleFlavor::Builtin => {
// BuiltinImporter.find_spec() always returns None if `path` is defined.
// And it doesn't use `target`. So don't proxy these values.
self.builtin_importer(py).call_method(py, "find_spec", (fullname,), None)
KnownModuleFlavor::Frozen => {
self.frozen_importer(py).call_method(py, "find_spec", (fullname, path, target), None)
KnownModuleFlavor::InMemory { .. } => {
let is_package = self.packages(py).contains(&*key);
// TODO consider setting origin and has_location so __file__ will be
// populated.
let kwargs = PyDict::new(py);
kwargs.set_item(py, "is_package", is_package)?;
self.module_spec_type(py).call(py, (fullname, self), Some(&kwargs))
} else {
def find_module(&self, _fullname: &PyObject, _path: &PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
// Method is deprecated. Always returns None.
// We /could/ call find_spec(). Meh.
def invalidate_caches(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
// End of interface.
// Start of interface.
def create_module(&self, _spec: &PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
def exec_module(&self, module: &PyObject) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let name = module.getattr(py, "__name__")?;
let key = name.extract::<String>(py)?;
if let Some(flavor) = self.known_modules(py).get(&*key) {
match flavor {
KnownModuleFlavor::Builtin => {
self.builtin_importer(py).call_method(py, "exec_module", (module,), None)
KnownModuleFlavor::Frozen => {
self.frozen_importer(py).call_method(py, "exec_module", (module,), None)
KnownModuleFlavor::InMemory { module_data } => {
match module_data.get_bytecode_memory_view(py) {
Some(value) => {
let code = self.marshal_loads(py).call(py, (value,), None)?;
let exec_fn = self.exec_fn(py);
let dict = module.getattr(py, "__dict__")?;
self.call_with_frames_removed(py).call(py, (exec_fn, code, dict), None)
None => {
Err(PyErr::new::<ImportError, _>(py, ("cannot find code in memory", name)))
} else {
// Raising here might make more sense, as exec_module() shouldn't
// be called on the Loader that didn't create the module.
// End of interface.
// Start of interface.
def get_code(&self, fullname: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = fullname.to_string(py)?;
if let Some(flavor) = self.known_modules(py).get(&*key) {
match flavor {
KnownModuleFlavor::Frozen => {
let imp_module = self.imp_module(py);, "get_frozen_object", (fullname,), None)
KnownModuleFlavor::InMemory { module_data } => {
match module_data.get_bytecode_memory_view(py) {
Some(value) => {
self.marshal_loads(py).call(py, (value,), None)
None => {
Err(PyErr::new::<ImportError, _>(py, ("cannot find code in memory", fullname)))
KnownModuleFlavor::Builtin => {
} else {
def get_source(&self, fullname: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = fullname.to_string(py)?;
if let Some(flavor) = self.known_modules(py).get(&*key) {
if let KnownModuleFlavor::InMemory { module_data } = flavor {
match module_data.get_source_memory_view(py) {
Some(value) => {
self.decode_source(py).call(py, (value,), None)
None => {
Err(PyErr::new::<ImportError, _>(py, ("source not available", fullname)))
} else {
} else {
// End of interface.
// Support obtaining ResourceReader instances.
def get_resource_loader(&self, fullname: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = fullname.to_string(py)?;
// This should not happen since code below should not be recursive into this
// function.
let mut resource_readers = match self.resource_readers(py).try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
return Err(PyErr::new::<RuntimeError, _>(py, "resource reader already borrowed"));
// Return an existing instance if we have one.
if let Some(reader) = resource_readers.get(&*key) {
return Ok(reader.clone_ref(py));
// Only create a reader if the name is a package.
if self.packages(py).contains(&*key) {
// Not all packages have known resources.
let resources = match self.resources(py).get(&*key) {
Some(v) => v.clone(),
None => {
let h: Box<HashMap<&'static str, &'static [u8]>> = Box::new(HashMap::new());
let reader = PyOxidizerResourceReader::create_instance(py, resources)?.into_object();
resource_readers.insert(key.to_string(), reader.clone_ref(py));
} else {
/// Implements in-memory reading of resource data.
/// Implements
py_class!(class PyOxidizerResourceReader |py| {
data resources: Arc<Box<HashMap<&'static str, &'static [u8]>>>;
/// Returns an opened, file-like object for binary reading of the resource.
/// If the resource cannot be found, FileNotFoundError is raised.
def open_resource(&self, resource: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = resource.to_string(py)?;
if let Some(data) = self.resources(py).get(&*key) {
match get_memory_view(py, data) {
Some(mv) => {
let io_module = py.import("io")?;
let bytes_io = io_module.get(py, "BytesIO")?;, (mv,), None)
None => Err(PyErr::fetch(py))
} else {
Err(PyErr::new::<FileNotFoundError, _>(py, "resource not found"))
/// Returns the file system path to the resource.
/// If the resource does not concretely exist on the file system, raise
/// FileNotFoundError.
def resource_path(&self, _resource: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
Err(PyErr::new::<FileNotFoundError, _>(py, "in-memory resources do not have filesystem paths"))
/// Returns True if the named name is considered a resource. FileNotFoundError
/// is raised if name does not exist.
def is_resource(&self, name: &PyString) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let key = name.to_string(py)?;
if self.resources(py).contains_key(&*key) {
} else {
Err(PyErr::new::<FileNotFoundError, _>(py, "resource not found"))
/// Returns an iterable of strings over the contents of the package.
/// Do note that it is not required that all names returned by the iterator be actual resources,
/// e.g. it is acceptable to return names for which is_resource() would be false.
/// Allowing non-resource names to be returned is to allow for situations where how a package
/// and its resources are stored are known a priori and the non-resource names would be useful.
/// For instance, returning subdirectory names is allowed so that when it is known that the
/// package and resources are stored on the file system then those subdirectory names can be
/// used directly.
def contents(&self) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let resources = self.resources(py);
let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(resources.len());
for name in resources.keys() {
let names_list = names.to_py_object(py);
fn populate_packages(packages: &mut HashSet<&'static str>, name: &'static str) {
let mut search = name;
while let Some(idx) = search.rfind('.') {
search = &search[0..idx];
const DOC: &[u8] = b"Binary representation of Python modules\0";
/// Represents global module state to be passed at interpreter initialization time.
pub struct InitModuleState {
/// Whether to register the filesystem importer on sys.meta_path.
pub register_filesystem_importer: bool,
/// Values to set on sys.path.
pub sys_paths: Vec<String>,
/// Raw data constituting Python module source code.
pub py_modules_data: &'static [u8],
/// Raw data constituting Python resources data.
pub py_resources_data: &'static [u8],
/// Holds reference to next module state struct.
/// This module state will be copied into the module's state when the
/// Python module is initialized.
pub static mut NEXT_MODULE_STATE: *const InitModuleState = std::ptr::null();
/// Represents which importer to use for known modules.
enum KnownModuleFlavor {
InMemory { module_data: PythonModuleData },
type KnownModules = HashMap<&'static str, KnownModuleFlavor>;
/// State associated with each importer module instance.
/// We write per-module state to per-module instances of this struct so
/// we don't rely on global variables and so multiple importer modules can
/// exist without issue.
struct ModuleState {
/// Whether to register PathFinder on sys.meta_path.
register_filesystem_importer: bool,
/// Values to set on sys.path.
sys_paths: Vec<String>,
/// Raw data constituting Python module source code.
py_modules_data: &'static [u8],
/// Raw data constituting Python resources data.
py_resources_data: &'static [u8],
/// Whether setup() has been called.
setup_called: bool,
/// Obtain the module state for an instance of our importer module.
/// Creates a Python exception on failure.
/// Doesn't do type checking that the PyModule is of the appropriate type.
fn get_module_state<'a>(py: Python, m: &'a PyModule) -> Result<&'a mut ModuleState, PyErr> {
let ptr = m.as_object().as_ptr();
let state = unsafe { pyffi::PyModule_GetState(ptr) as *mut ModuleState };
if state.is_null() {
let err = PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(py, "unable to retrieve module state");
return Err(err);
Ok(unsafe { &mut *state })
/// Initialize the Python module object.
/// This is called as part of the PyInit_* function to create the internal
/// module object for the interpreter.
/// This receives a handle to the current Python interpreter and just-created
/// Python module instance. It populates the internal module state and registers
/// a _setup() on the module object for usage by Python.
/// Because this function accesses NEXT_MODULE_STATE, it should only be
/// called during interpreter initialization.
fn module_init(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
let mut state = get_module_state(py, m)?;
unsafe {
state.register_filesystem_importer = (*NEXT_MODULE_STATE).register_filesystem_importer;
// TODO we could move the value if we wanted to avoid the clone().
state.sys_paths = (*NEXT_MODULE_STATE).sys_paths.clone();
state.py_modules_data = (*NEXT_MODULE_STATE).py_modules_data;
state.py_resources_data = (*NEXT_MODULE_STATE).py_resources_data;
state.setup_called = false;
m: PyModule,
bootstrap_module: PyModule,
marshal_module: PyModule,
decode_source: PyObject
/// Called after module import/initialization to configure the importing mechanism.
/// This does the heavy work of configuring the importing mechanism.
/// This function should only be called once as part of
/// _frozen_importlib_external._install_external_importers().
fn module_setup(
py: Python,
m: PyModule,
bootstrap_module: PyModule,
marshal_module: PyModule,
decode_source: PyObject,
) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let state = get_module_state(py, &m)?;
if state.setup_called {
return Err(PyErr::new::<RuntimeError, _>(
"PyOxidizer _setup() already called",
state.setup_called = true;
let imp_module = bootstrap_module.get(py, "_imp")?;
let imp_module = imp_module.cast_into::<PyModule>(py)?;
let sys_module = bootstrap_module.get(py, "sys")?;
let sys_module = sys_module.cast_as::<PyModule>(py)?;
let meta_path_object = sys_module.get(py, "meta_path")?;
// We should be executing as part of
// _frozen_importlib_external._install_external_importers().
// _frozen_importlib._install() should have already been called and set up
// sys.meta_path with [BuiltinImporter, FrozenImporter]. Those should be the
// only meta path importers present.
let meta_path = meta_path_object.cast_as::<PyList>(py)?;
if meta_path.len(py) != 2 {
return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(
"sys.meta_path does not contain 2 values",
let builtin_importer = meta_path.get_item(py, 0);
let frozen_importer = meta_path.get_item(py, 1);
// It may seem inefficient to create a full HashMap of the parsed data instead of e.g.
// streaming it. But the overhead of iterators was measured to be more than building
// up a temporary HashMap.
let modules_data = match PythonModulesData::from(state.py_modules_data) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(msg) => return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(py, msg)),
// Populate our known module lookup table with entries from builtins, frozens, and
// finally us. Last write wins and has the same effect as registering our
// meta path importer first. This should be safe. If nothing else, it allows
// some builtins to be overwritten by .py implemented modules.
let mut known_modules = KnownModules::with_capacity( + 10);
for i in 0.. {
let record = unsafe { pyffi::PyImport_Inittab.offset(i) };
if unsafe { *record }.name.is_null() {
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr((*record).name as _) };
let name_str = match name.to_str() {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(
"unable to parse PyImport_Inittab",
known_modules.insert(name_str, KnownModuleFlavor::Builtin);
for i in 0.. {
let record = unsafe { pyffi::PyImport_FrozenModules.offset(i) };
if unsafe { *record }.name.is_null() {
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr((*record).name as _) };
let name_str = match name.to_str() {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(
"unable to parse PyImport_FrozenModules",
known_modules.insert(name_str, KnownModuleFlavor::Frozen);
// TODO consider baking set of packages into embedded data.
let mut packages: HashSet<&'static str> = HashSet::with_capacity(;
for (name, record) in {
KnownModuleFlavor::InMemory {
module_data: record,
populate_packages(&mut packages, name);
let resources_data = match PythonResourcesData::from(state.py_resources_data) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(msg) => return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(py, msg)),
let marshal_loads = marshal_module.get(py, "loads")?;
let call_with_frames_removed = bootstrap_module.get(py, "_call_with_frames_removed")?;
let module_spec_type = bootstrap_module.get(py, "ModuleSpec")?;
let builtins_module =
match unsafe { PyObject::from_borrowed_ptr_opt(py, pyffi::PyEval_GetBuiltins()) } {
Some(o) => o.cast_into::<PyDict>(py),
None => {
return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(
"unable to obtain __builtins__",
let exec_fn = match builtins_module.get_item(py, "exec") {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return Err(PyErr::new::<ValueError, _>(
"could not obtain __builtins__.exec",
let resource_readers: RefCell<Box<HashMap<String, PyObject>>> =
let unified_importer = PyOxidizerFinder::create_instance(
meta_path_object.call_method(py, "clear", NoArgs, None)?;
meta_path_object.call_method(py, "append", (unified_importer,), None)?;
// At this point the importing mechanism is fully initialized to use our
// unified importer, which handles built-in, frozen, and in-memory imports.
// Because we're probably running during Py_Initialize() and stdlib modules
// may not be in-memory, we need to register and configure additional importers
// here, before continuing with Py_Initialize(), otherwise we may not find
// the standard library!
if state.register_filesystem_importer {
// This is what importlib._bootstrap_external usually does:
// supported_loaders = _get_supported_file_loaders()
// sys.path_hooks.extend([FileFinder.path_hook(*supported_loaders)])
// sys.meta_path.append(PathFinder)
let frozen_importlib_external = py.import("_frozen_importlib_external")?;
let loaders =, "_get_supported_file_loaders", NoArgs, None)?;
let loaders_list = loaders.cast_as::<PyList>(py)?;
let loaders_vec: Vec<PyObject> = loaders_list.iter(py).collect();
let loaders_tuple = PyTuple::new(py, loaders_vec.as_slice());
let file_finder = frozen_importlib_external.get(py, "FileFinder")?;
let path_hook = file_finder.call_method(py, "path_hook", loaders_tuple, None)?;
let path_hooks = sys_module.get(py, "path_hooks")?;
path_hooks.call_method(py, "append", (path_hook,), None)?;
let path_finder = frozen_importlib_external.get(py, "PathFinder")?;
let meta_path = sys_module.get(py, "meta_path")?;
meta_path.call_method(py, "append", (path_finder,), None)?;
// Ideally we should be calling Py_SetPath() before Py_Initialize() to set sys.path.
// But we tried to do this and only ran into problems due to string conversions,
// unwanted side-effects. Updating sys.path directly before it is used by PathFinder
// (which was just registered above) should have the same effect.
// Always clear out sys.path.
let sys_path = sys_module.get(py, "path")?;
sys_path.call_method(py, "clear", NoArgs, None)?;
// And repopulate it with entries from the config.
for path in &state.sys_paths {
let py_path = PyString::new(py, path.as_str());
sys_path.call_method(py, "append", (py_path,), None)?;
static mut MODULE_DEF: pyffi::PyModuleDef = pyffi::PyModuleDef {
m_base: pyffi::PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
m_name: std::ptr::null(),
m_doc: std::ptr::null(),
m_size: std::mem::size_of::<ModuleState>() as isize,
m_methods: 0 as *mut _,
m_slots: 0 as *mut _,
m_traverse: None,
m_clear: None,
m_free: None,
/// Module initialization function.
/// This creates the Python module object.
/// We don't use the macros in the cpython crate because they are somewhat
/// opinionated about how things should work. e.g. they call
/// PyEval_InitThreads(), which is undesired. We want total control.
pub extern "C" fn PyInit__pyoxidizer_importer() -> *mut pyffi::PyObject {
let py = unsafe { cpython::Python::assume_gil_acquired() };
// TRACKING RUST1.32 We can't call as_ptr() in const fn in Rust 1.31.
unsafe {
if MODULE_DEF.m_name.is_null() {
MODULE_DEF.m_name = PYOXIDIZER_IMPORTER_NAME.as_ptr() as *const _;
MODULE_DEF.m_doc = DOC.as_ptr() as *const _;
let module = unsafe { pyffi::PyModule_Create(&mut MODULE_DEF) };
if module.is_null() {
return module;
let module = match unsafe { PyObject::from_owned_ptr(py, module).cast_into::<PyModule>(py) } {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => {
return std::ptr::null_mut();
match module_init(py, &module) {
Ok(()) => module.into_object().steal_ptr(),
Err(e) => {