From 6659c9b44428ac738f6593ea3d3c6fd531ddedfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Augendre Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2020 17:31:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Add GDAL 2.4.4 --- Formula/gdal@2.4.4.rb | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 162 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Formula/gdal@2.4.4.rb diff --git a/Formula/gdal@2.4.4.rb b/Formula/gdal@2.4.4.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edf8079 --- /dev/null +++ b/Formula/gdal@2.4.4.rb @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +class GdalAT244 < Formula + desc "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" + homepage "" + url "" + sha256 "a383bd3cf555d6e1169666b01b5b3025b2722ed39e834f1b65090f604405dcd8" + revision 7 + + head do + url "" + depends_on "doxygen" => :build + end + + depends_on "cfitsio" + depends_on "epsilon" + depends_on "expat" + depends_on "freexl" + depends_on "geos" + depends_on "giflib" + depends_on "hdf5" + depends_on "jasper" + depends_on "jpeg" + depends_on "json-c" + depends_on "libdap" + depends_on "libgeotiff" + depends_on "libpng" + depends_on "libpq" + depends_on "libspatialite" + depends_on "libtiff" + depends_on "libxml2" + depends_on "netcdf" + depends_on "numpy" + depends_on "pcre" + depends_on "poppler" + depends_on "proj" + depends_on "python@3.8" + depends_on "sqlite" # To ensure compatibility with SpatiaLite + depends_on "unixodbc" # macOS version is not complete enough + depends_on "webp" + depends_on "xerces-c" + depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils + depends_on "zstd" + + conflicts_with "cpl", :because => "both install cpl_error.h" + + # Patch for Poppler v0.85 and above + patch :p2 do + url "" + sha256 "9a6f473751e4e940f499b09fa0113a69c9977ef13f9a619f654142d4388ae568" + end + + def install + args = [ + # Base configuration + "--prefix=#{prefix}", + "--mandir=#{man}", + "--disable-debug", + "--with-libtool", + "--with-local=#{prefix}", + "--with-opencl", + "--with-threads", + + # GDAL native backends + "--with-bsb", + "--with-grib", + "--with-pam", + "--with-pcidsk=internal", + "--with-pcraster=internal", + + # Homebrew backends + "--with-curl=/usr/bin/curl-config", + "--with-expat=#{Formula["expat"].prefix}", + "--with-freexl=#{Formula["freexl"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-geos=#{Formula["geos"].opt_prefix}/bin/geos-config", + "--with-geotiff=#{Formula["libgeotiff"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-gif=#{Formula["giflib"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-jpeg=#{Formula["jpeg"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-libjson-c=#{Formula["json-c"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-libtiff=#{Formula["libtiff"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-pg=#{Formula["libpq"].opt_prefix}/bin/pg_config", + "--with-png=#{Formula["libpng"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-spatialite=#{Formula["libspatialite"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-sqlite3=#{Formula["sqlite"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-proj=#{Formula["proj"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-zstd=#{Formula["zstd"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-liblzma=yes", + "--with-cfitsio=#{Formula["cfitsio"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-hdf5=#{Formula["hdf5"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-netcdf=#{Formula["netcdf"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-jasper=#{Formula["jasper"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-xerces=#{Formula["xerces-c"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-odbc=#{Formula["unixodbc"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-dods-root=#{Formula["libdap"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-epsilon=#{Formula["epsilon"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-webp=#{Formula["webp"].opt_prefix}", + "--with-poppler=#{Formula["poppler"].opt_prefix}", + + # Explicitly disable some features + "--with-armadillo=no", + "--with-qhull=no", + "--without-grass", + "--without-jpeg12", + "--without-libgrass", + "--without-mysql", + "--without-perl", + "--without-python", + + # Unsupported backends are either proprietary or have no compatible version + # in Homebrew. Podofo is disabled because Poppler provides the same + # functionality and then some. + "--without-gta", + "--without-ogdi", + "--without-fme", + "--without-hdf4", + "--without-openjpeg", + "--without-fgdb", + "--without-ecw", + "--without-kakadu", + "--without-mrsid", + "--without-jp2mrsid", + "--without-mrsid_lidar", + "--without-msg", + "--without-oci", + "--without-ingres", + "--without-idb", + "--without-sde", + "--without-podofo", + "--without-rasdaman", + "--without-sosi", + ] + + # Work around "error: no member named 'signbit' in the global namespace" + # Remove once support for macOS 10.12 Sierra is dropped + if DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 900 + ENV.delete "SDKROOT" + ENV.delete "HOMEBREW_SDKROOT" + end + + system "./configure", *args + system "make" + system "make", "install" + + # Build Python bindings + cd "swig/python" do + system Formula["python@3.8"].opt_bin/"python3", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) + end + bin.install Dir["swig/python/scripts/*.py"] + + system "make", "man" if build.head? + # Force man installation dir: + system "make", "install-man", "INST_MAN=#{man}" + # Clean up any stray doxygen files + Dir.glob("#{bin}/*.dox") { |p| rm p } + end + + test do + # basic tests to see if third-party dylibs are loading OK + system "#{bin}/gdalinfo", "--formats" + system "#{bin}/ogrinfo", "--formats" + + system Formula["python@3.8"].opt_bin/"python3", "-c", "import gdal" + end +end