# Defined interactively function kdjango --description 'Pop into the shell of django pod of the current namespace' argparse -X 1 -x "h,b,s,m,o,d" "h/help" "b/bash" "s/sh" "m/manage" "o/original-shell" "d/db-shell" -- $argv; or return if set -q _flag_h echo "Exec into the django pod of the current namespace..." echo -e "kdjango [-b]\t ...using bash (default if no option)" echo -e "kdjango -s\t ...using sh" echo -e "kdjango -m\t ...using manage.py shell_plus" echo -e "kdjango -o\t ...using manage.py shell" echo -e "kdjango -d\t ...using manage.py dbshell" echo -e "\nRequires kubens for namespace selection" return end set -l command /bin/bash if set -q _flag_b set command /bin/bash else if set -q _flag_s set command /bin/sh else if set -q _flag_m set command ./manage.py shell_plus else if set -q _flag_o set command ./manage.py shell else if set -q _flag_d set command ./manage.py dbshell end if count $argv > /dev/null set pod $argv[1] else set pod (kubectl get pods -o name | grep "django" | grep -Ev "celery|migrations" | head -1) end echo "running $command in $pod" kubectl exec -it $pod -- $command end