# https://ghostty.org/docs/config/reference # appearance theme = light:catppuccin-latte,dark:catppuccin-mocha cursor-style-blink = false cursor-invert-fg-bg = true background-blur-radius = 20 macos-titlebar-style = tabs window-colorspace = display-p3 # font font-size = 17 adjust-cell-width = -10% # size window-height = 300 window-width = 300 window-padding-x = 5 window-padding-y = 10 window-padding-balance = true # features copy-on-select = true shell-integration-features = sudo,title,no-cursor mouse-scroll-multiplier = 3 # keybinds keybind = global:cmd+shift+space=toggle_quick_terminal ## add missing search ## https://github.com/ghostty-org/ghostty/issues/189 ## Search entire scrollback history in default text editor keybind = cmd+f=write_scrollback_file:open ## Search Selection ## HOWTO: Cmd+triple_click to select your last output then press cmd+shift+f to search it keybind = cmd+shift+f=write_selection_file:open ## RECOMMENDED: Set this to something big so you can capture all of your scrollback scrollback-limit = 20000000 # fix "git" arrows in prompt, see https://github.com/ghostty-org/ghostty/discussions/3541 font-codepoint-map = U+21E1-U+21E3=Menlo