diff --git a/dot_ideavimrc b/dot_ideavimrc index 2a211c4..4b9f103 100644 --- a/dot_ideavimrc +++ b/dot_ideavimrc @@ -7,8 +7,11 @@ Plug 'machakann/vim-highlightedyank' set number set relativenumber set ideajoin "custom join with code smartness -set idearefactormode=keep +" set idearefactormode=keep set which-key "enable which-key plugin let g:WhichKey_ShowVimActions = "true" "show vim actions (not shown by default) set notimeout "make vim not timeout waiting for the end of a command. useful because which-key will only display its popup for the timeout duration (default 1000 for 1s) + +set clipboard+=unnamed "yank to system clipboard +