import sys import math def debug(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, flush=True, **kwargs) def is_doable(inventory, recipe_delta): for inv, rec in zip(inventory, recipe_delta): if inv + rec < 0: return False return True def main(): # game loop while True: action_count = int(input()) # the number of spells and recipes in play recipes = [] for i in range(action_count): # action_id: the unique ID of this spell or recipe # action_type: in the first league: BREW; later: CAST, OPPONENT_CAST, LEARN, BREW # delta_0: tier-0 ingredient change # delta_1: tier-1 ingredient change # delta_2: tier-2 ingredient change # delta_3: tier-3 ingredient change # price: the price in rupees if this is a potion # tome_index: in the first two leagues: always 0; later: the index in the tome if this is a tome spell, equal to the read-ahead tax # tax_count: in the first two leagues: always 0; later: the amount of taxed tier-0 ingredients you gain from learning this spell # castable: in the first league: always 0; later: 1 if this is a castable player spell # repeatable: for the first two leagues: always 0; later: 1 if this is a repeatable player spell action_id, action_type, delta_0, delta_1, delta_2, delta_3, price, tome_index, tax_count, castable, repeatable = input().split() action_id = int(action_id) delta = [int(delta_0), int(delta_1), int(delta_2), int(delta_3)] price = int(price) recipes.append({"price": price, "delta": delta, "action_id": action_id, "action_type": action_type}) tome_index = int(tome_index) tax_count = int(tax_count) castable = castable != "0" repeatable = repeatable != "0" recipes.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x["price"]) inv_0, inv_1, inv_2, inv_3, score = [int(j) for j in input().split()] my_inventory = [inv_0, inv_1, inv_2, inv_3] my_score = score inv_0, inv_1, inv_2, inv_3, score = [int(j) for j in input().split()] enemy_inventory = [inv_0, inv_1, inv_2, inv_3] enemy_score = score debug(f"{my_inventory}, {recipes}") for recipe in recipes: if is_doable(my_inventory, recipe["delta"]): print(f"BREW {recipe['action_id']}") continue print("WAIT") if __name__ == "__main__": main()