import configparser import sys import click def _is_tty(): return sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.stdin.isatty() def _config_has_sections(config): if not config.sections(): click.secho("The config file doesn't seem to have any section.", fg="yellow") command ="cleantoots config setup", bold=True) click.secho("You should set it up first. Use: {}".format(command)) return False return True def _open_url(url, echo): if _is_tty(): if echo: click.echo( "We will now open a browser for each account set in the config file." ) click.echo( "You'll need to authenticate and then copy the code provided in the web " "page back into this terminal, upon prompt." ) click.pause() click.launch(url) else: click.echo("Go to {}, authenticate and enter the code below.".format(url)) def _get_default_config(): default_config = configparser.ConfigParser() default_config["DEFAULT"] = { "boost_limit": 5, "favorite_limit": 5, "days_count": 30, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", } default_config[""] = { "api_base_url": "", "app_secret_file": "mastodon_social_app.secret", "user_secret_file": "mastodon_social_user.secret", "protected_toots": "1234\n5678", } return default_config