import logging.handlers from typing import Optional, List import click import html2text import pendulum from mastodon import Mastodon from cleantoots.utils import _config_has_sections, CleanTootsConfig logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONTENT_PREVIEW = 78 @click.command() @click.option( "--delete", help="Delete toots that match the rules without confirmation. This is a destructive operation. " "Without this flags, toots will only be listed.", is_flag=True, ) @click.option( "--headless", help="Use to make output more logging friendly.", is_flag=True ) @click.pass_obj def clean(config: CleanTootsConfig, delete: bool, headless: bool): """ Delete Toots based on rules in config file. Without the `--delete` flag, toots will only be displayed. """ if not _config_has_sections(config): return h = html2text.HTML2Text() h.ignore_links = True h.ignore_emphasis = True h.ignore_images = True h.ignore_tables = True for section in config.sections(): section = config[section] user_secret_file = config.file(section.get("user_secret_file")) mastodon = Mastodon(access_token=user_secret_file) user = page = mastodon.account_statuses(user["id"]) would_delete = [] protected = [] while page: for toot in page: protection_reason = _toot_protection_reason(toot, section) if protection_reason: protected.append({"toot": toot, "reason": protection_reason}) else: would_delete.append(toot) page = mastodon.fetch_next(page) _delete_or_log(delete, h, headless, mastodon, protected, would_delete) def _delete_or_log(delete, html_handler, headless, mastodon, protected, would_delete): if not delete: _log_item_list( would_delete, headless, html_handler, no_item_message="No toot would be deleted given the rules.", count_message_format="Would delete {count} toots/boost:", ) _log_item_list( protected, headless, html_handler, no_item_message="No toot would be protected given the rules.", count_message_format="Would protect {count} toots/boost:", ) else: log("Deleting toots...", headless) with click.progressbar(would_delete) as bar: for toot in bar: mastodon.status_delete(toot) log("Deleted {}".format(_format_toot(toot)), headless, fg="green") def _log_item_list( items: List[dict], headless: bool, html_handler: html2text.HTML2Text, no_item_message: str, count_message_format: str, ): if not items: log(no_item_message, headless, fg="blue") else: log( count_message_format.format(count=len(items)), headless, fg="blue", ) for toot in items: _log_item(toot, headless, html_handler) def _log_item(item, headless, html_handler): if "reason" in item and "toot" in item: toot = item["toot"] reason = item["reason"] else: toot = item reason = "" message = _format_toot(toot, reason) log(message, headless, bold=True) content = html_handler.handle(toot["content"]).replace("\n", " ").strip() if len(content) > CONTENT_PREVIEW: content = content[: CONTENT_PREVIEW - 3] + "..." else: content = content[:CONTENT_PREVIEW] log(content, headless) log("", headless) def _format_toot(toot: dict, protection_reason: str = ""): if toot.get("reblog"): message = f"boost of toot {toot['reblog']['url']}" else: message = f"original toot {toot['url']}" if protection_reason: message = f"{message} protected because {protection_reason}" return message def log(message: str, headless: bool, level: int = logging.INFO, *args, **kwargs): if headless: if message and message.strip(): logger.log(level, message) else: click.secho(message, *args, **kwargs) def _toot_protection_reason(toot: dict, section) -> Optional[str]: """ Return a protection reason or None if the toot should not be protected. :param toot: The toot to check. :param section: The section of the config file to check against. :return: The protection reason or None. """ boost_count = toot["reblogs_count"] favorite_count = toot["favourites_count"] id_ = toot["id"] original_id = None if toot.get("reblog"): original_id = toot["reblog"].get("id") created_at = toot["created_at"] protected_toots = map(int, section.get("protected_toots", "").split()) protected_tags = section.get("protected_tags", "").lower().split() time_limit ="timezone")).subtract( days=section.getint("days_count") ) boost_limit = section.getint("boost_limit") if boost_count >= boost_limit: return "boost count is over limit {} >= {}".format(boost_count, boost_limit) favorite_limit = section.getint("favorite_limit") if favorite_count >= favorite_limit: return "favorite count is over limit {} >= {}".format( favorite_count, favorite_limit ) if id_ in protected_toots or original_id in protected_toots: return "{} or {} is a protected id".format(id_, original_id) if created_at >= time_limit: return "creation time {} is later than limit {}".format(created_at, time_limit) for tag in toot.get("tags", []): tag_name = tag.get("name").lower() if tag_name and tag_name in protected_tags: return "{} is a protected tag".format(tag_name) return None