import configparser import functools import os import pathlib import subprocess import webbrowser import click import pendulum from mastodon import Mastodon def config_file(filename): return os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, filename) HOME = pathlib.Path.home() CONFIG_DIR = click.get_app_dir("cleantoots") CONFIG_FILE = config_file("config.ini") EDITOR = os.getenv("EDITOR", "vim") def cli(): """ Provide an easy interface for deleting old toots. Steps, in order: 1. run `setup-config` 2. run `login` 3. run `clean --delete` """ pass def load_config(function): config = configparser.ConfigParser() func = functools.partial(function, config=config) func.__name__ = function.__name__ func.__doc__ = function.__doc__ return func @cli.command() def setup_config(): """Initial setup for configuration directories and files.""" os.makedirs(CONFIG_DIR, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE): click.secho("{} found. Not touching anything.".format(CONFIG_FILE), fg="red") return config = configparser.ConfigParser() config["DEFAULT"] = { "boost_limit": 5, "favorite_limit": 5, "days_count": 30, "timezone": "Europe/Paris", } config[""] = { "api_base_url": "", "app_secret_file": "mastodon_social_app.secret", "user_secret_file": "mastodon_social_user.secret", "protected_toots": "1234\n5678", } with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as _file: config.write(_file) click.secho("{} written.".format(CONFIG_FILE), fg="green") click.echo() click.secho("Next steps", bold=True) click.echo( "You'll need to edit the config file in order to set some settings such as:" ) click.echo("* The base URL of your Mastodon instance") click.echo("* The toots you want to protect") click.echo() click.secho("We're going to open the file for you now.") click.pause()[EDITOR, CONFIG_FILE]) @cli.command() @load_config def config(config): """Display parsed config.""" for section_name in config.sections(): click.secho(section_name, bold=True) section = config[section_name] for key, value in section.items(): click.secho("{} = {}".format(key, value)) click.echo() @cli.command() @load_config def login(config): """Fetch credentials for each app described in config file.""" for section in config.sections(): section = config[section] Mastodon.create_app( "cleantoots", api_base_url=section.get("api_base_url"), to_file=config_file(section.get("app_secret_file")), ) mastodon = Mastodon(client_id=config_file(section.get("app_secret_file"))) click.echo( "We will now open a browser for each account set in the config file." ) click.echo( "You'll need to authenticate and then copy the code provided in the web " "page back into this terminal, upon prompt." ) click.pause() code = click.prompt("Enter code for {}".format(section.get("api_base_url"))) mastodon.log_in(code=code, to_file=config_file(section.get("user_secret_file"))) @cli.command() @click.option( "--delete", help="Delete toots that match the rules without confirmation. This is a destructive operation. " "Without this flags, toots will only be listed.", is_flag=True, ) @load_config def clean(delete, config): """ Delete Toots based on rules in config file. Without the `--delete` flag, toots will only be displayed. """ for section in config.sections(): section = config[section] user_secret_file = config_file(section.get("user_secret_file")) mastodon = Mastodon(access_token=user_secret_file) user = page = mastodon.account_statuses(user["id"]) would_delete = [] while page: for toot in page: if ( toot["reblogs_count"] >= section.getint("boost_limit") or toot["favourites_count"] >= section.getint("favorite_limit") or toot["id"] in map(int, section.get("protected_toots", "").split()) or toot["created_at"] >="timezone")).subtract( days=section.getint("days_count") ) ): continue would_delete.append(toot) page = mastodon.fetch_next(page) if not delete: if not would_delete: click.secho("No toot would be deleted given the rules.", fg="blue") return click.secho( "Would delete {count} toots:".format(count=len(would_delete)), fg="blue" ) for toot in would_delete: click.echo(toot["id"]) click.echo(toot["content"]) click.echo() else: click.echo("Deleting toots...") with click.progressbar(would_delete) as bar: for toot in bar: mastodon.status_delete(toot) click.secho("Deleted toot {}".format(toot["id"]), fg="green") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()