Add kolo in dev

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Augendre 2022-09-24 21:46:08 +01:00
parent ecf3c4dce2
commit b476e84159
4 changed files with 70 additions and 1 deletions

.kolo/config.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ignore_request_paths = ["/static/"]

poetry.lock generated
View File

@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
name = "cerberus"
version = "1.3.4"
description = "Lightweight, extensible schema and data validation tool for Python dictionaries."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7"
name = "certifi"
version = "2022.9.24"
@ -143,6 +151,17 @@ python-versions = ">=3.6.0"
unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"]
name = "click"
version = "8.1.3"
description = "Composable command line interface toolkit"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
name = "colorama"
version = "0.4.5"
@ -481,6 +500,24 @@ category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
name = "kolo"
version = "2.0.3"
description = "See everything happening in your running Django app"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
cerberus = ">=1.3.4"
click = ">=7.1.2"
tomli = {version = ">=2.0.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
toolz = ">=0.11.1"
ulid-py = ">=1.1.0"
test_generation = ["jinja2 (>=3.0.0)"]
name = "matplotlib"
version = "3.6.0"
@ -985,6 +1022,14 @@ category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
name = "toolz"
version = "0.12.0"
description = "List processing tools and functional utilities"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
name = "trio"
version = "0.21.0"
@ -1031,6 +1076,14 @@ category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2"
name = "ulid-py"
version = "1.1.0"
description = "Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
name = "urllib3"
version = "1.26.12"
@ -1100,7 +1153,7 @@ h11 = ">=0.9.0,<1"
lock-version = "1.1"
python-versions = "^3.10"
content-hash = "a7f456302a8e5cd5023a9f6ced2930e9ec4a2e964daae04f24a486b2071fd3a0"
content-hash = "e21ae8f93aefc631a43ccf43b79a3660ca11c6870677d60878b0adc88303953d"
ansicon = []
@ -1181,6 +1234,7 @@ brotli = [
{file = "Brotli-1.0.9-pp37-pypy37_pp73-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:76ffebb907bec09ff511bb3acc077695e2c32bc2142819491579a695f77ffd4d"},
{file = "", hash = "sha256:4d1b810aa0ed773f81dceda2cc7b403d01057458730e309856356d4ef4188438"},
cerberus = []
certifi = []
cffi = []
cfgv = [
@ -1188,6 +1242,7 @@ cfgv = [
{file = "cfgv-3.3.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:f5a830efb9ce7a445376bb66ec94c638a9787422f96264c98edc6bdeed8ab736"},
charset-normalizer = []
click = []
colorama = []
contourpy = []
coverage = []
@ -1244,6 +1299,7 @@ invoke = [
jinxed = []
kiwisolver = []
kolo = []
matplotlib = []
model-bakery = []
nodeenv = []
@ -1365,10 +1421,12 @@ tomli = [
{file = "tomli-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc"},
{file = "tomli-2.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f"},
toolz = []
trio = []
trio-websocket = []
typing-extensions = []
tzdata = []
ulid-py = []
urllib3 = []
virtualenv = []
wcwidth = [

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ invoke = "^1.7.0"
factory-boy = "^3.2.1"
pytest-selenium = "^4.0.0"
selenium = "^4.4.3"
kolo = "^2.0.3"
target-version = ['py310']

View File

@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ MIDDLEWARE = [
import kolo # noqa: F401
MIDDLEWARE = ["kolo.middleware.KoloMiddleware"] + MIDDLEWARE
except ImportError:
# Don't add kolo if unavailable
ROOT_URLCONF = "checkout.urls"