From 3b58f55c2dde4043ce2584c7fef690c2209dc7ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gabriel Augendre Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 10:54:53 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update all python versions to 3.12 --- .devcontainer/Dockerfile | 2 +- .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml | 2 +- .github/workflows/test.yaml | 2 +- .github/workflows/update-dependencies.yaml | 2 +- .rtx.toml | 2 +- poetry.lock | 1464 -------------------- 6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1469 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 poetry.lock diff --git a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile b/.devcontainer/Dockerfile index 95bab5f..ccabc9b 100644 --- a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile +++ b/.devcontainer/Dockerfile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -FROM +FROM RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y RUN pip install pip-tools invoke COPY requirements.txt requirements-dev.txt constraints.txt ./ diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml index 77ba251..de6941b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yaml @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: - python-version: '3.11' + python-version: '3.12' # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning. - name: Initialize CodeQL diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yaml b/.github/workflows/test.yaml index 10e9514..ffa8e52 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/test.yaml @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: - python-version: '3.11' + python-version: '3.12' cache: pip - name: Install dependencies run: | diff --git a/.github/workflows/update-dependencies.yaml b/.github/workflows/update-dependencies.yaml index ba3ace1..02d4d39 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/update-dependencies.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/update-dependencies.yaml @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ jobs: - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: - python-version: '3.11' + python-version: '3.12' cache: pip - name: Update dependencies run: | diff --git a/.rtx.toml b/.rtx.toml index c01bf1f..c53e4d0 100644 --- a/.rtx.toml +++ b/.rtx.toml @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ [tools] -python = {version="3.11", virtualenv=".venv"} +python = {version="3.12", virtualenv=".venv"} [env] ENV_FILE = "{{config_root}}/envs/local.env" diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock deleted file mode 100644 index 984d833..0000000 --- a/poetry.lock +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1464 +0,0 @@ -[[package]] -name = "ansicon" -version = "1.89.0" -description = "Python wrapper for loading Jason Hood's ANSICON" -category = "main" -optional = false -python-versions = "*" - 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-[[package]] -name = "charset-normalizer" -version = "2.1.1" -description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet." -category = "main" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.6.0" - -[package.extras] -unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"] - -[[package]] -name = "click" -version = "8.1.3" -description = "Composable command line interface toolkit" -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.7" - -[package.dependencies] -colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""} - -[[package]] -name = "colorama" -version = "0.4.5" -description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text." -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" - -[[package]] -name = "contourpy" -version = "1.0.5" -description = "Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids" -category = "main" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.7" - -[package.dependencies] -numpy = ">=1.16" - -[package.extras] -test-no-codebase = ["pillow", "matplotlib", "pytest"] -test-minimal = ["pytest"] -test = ["isort", "flake8", "pillow", "matplotlib", "pytest"] -docs = ["sphinx-rtd-theme", "sphinx", "docutils (<0.18)"] -bokeh = ["selenium", "bokeh"] - 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See for more information." -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*" - -[[package]] -name = "pytest" -version = "6.2.5" -description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python" -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.6" - -[package.dependencies] -atomicwrites = {version = ">=1.0", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} -attrs = ">=19.2.0" -colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""} -iniconfig = "*" -packaging = "*" -pluggy = ">=0.12,<2.0" -py = ">=1.8.2" -toml = "*" - -[package.extras] -testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "requests", "xmlschema"] - -[[package]] -name = "pytest-base-url" -version = "2.0.0" -description = "pytest plugin for URL based testing" -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.7,<4.0" - -[package.dependencies] -pytest = ">=3.0.0,<8.0.0" -requests = ">=2.9" - -[[package]] -name = "pytest-cov" -version = "3.0.0" -description = "Pytest plugin for measuring coverage." -category = "dev" -optional = false -python-versions = ">=3.6" - 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