# # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.12 # by the following command: # # pip-compile --allow-unsafe requirements-dev.in # asgiref==3.7.2 # via # -c constraints.txt # django # django-browser-reload attrs==23.1.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # hypothesis # outcome # trio black==23.11.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in blessed==1.20.0 # via curtsies bpython==0.24 # via -r requirements-dev.in build==1.0.3 # via pip-tools certifi==2023.11.17 # via # -c constraints.txt # requests # selenium cfgv==3.4.0 # via pre-commit charset-normalizer==3.3.2 # via # -c constraints.txt # requests click==8.1.7 # via # black # pip-tools coverage[toml]==7.3.2 # via # coverage # pytest-cov curtsies==0.4.2 # via bpython cwcwidth==0.1.9 # via # bpython # curtsies distlib==0.3.7 # via virtualenv django==4.2.8 # via # -c constraints.txt # django-browser-reload # django-debug-toolbar # model-bakery django-browser-reload==1.12.1 # via -r requirements-dev.in django-debug-toolbar==4.2.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in filelock==3.13.1 # via virtualenv greenlet==3.0.1 # via bpython h11==0.14.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # wsproto hypothesis==6.91.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in identify==2.5.32 # via pre-commit idna==3.6 # via # -c constraints.txt # requests # trio iniconfig==2.0.0 # via pytest invoke==2.2.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in jinja2==3.1.2 # via pytest-html markupsafe==2.1.3 # via jinja2 model-bakery==1.17.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in mypy-extensions==1.0.0 # via black nodeenv==1.8.0 # via pre-commit outcome==1.3.0.post0 # via # -c constraints.txt # trio packaging==23.2 # via # -c constraints.txt # black # build # pytest pathspec==0.11.2 # via black pip-tools==7.3.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in platformdirs==4.1.0 # via # black # virtualenv pluggy==1.3.0 # via pytest pre-commit==3.5.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in py==1.11.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in pygments==2.17.2 # via bpython pyproject-hooks==1.0.0 # via build pysocks==1.7.1 # via # -c constraints.txt # urllib3 pytest==7.4.3 # via # -r requirements-dev.in # pytest-base-url # pytest-cov # pytest-django # pytest-html # pytest-metadata # pytest-selenium # pytest-variables pytest-base-url==2.0.0 # via pytest-selenium pytest-cov==4.1.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in pytest-django==4.7.0 # via -r requirements-dev.in pytest-html==4.1.1 # via pytest-selenium pytest-metadata==3.0.0 # via pytest-html pytest-selenium==4.0.1 # via -r requirements-dev.in pytest-variables==3.0.0 # via pytest-selenium pyxdg==0.28 # via bpython pyyaml==6.0.1 # via pre-commit requests==2.31.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # bpython # pytest-base-url # pytest-selenium ruff==0.1.6 # via -r requirements-dev.in selenium==4.9.1 # via # -c constraints.txt # pytest-selenium six==1.16.0 # via blessed sniffio==1.3.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # trio sortedcontainers==2.4.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # hypothesis # trio sqlparse==0.4.4 # via # -c constraints.txt # django # django-debug-toolbar tenacity==8.2.3 # via pytest-selenium trio==0.23.1 # via # -c constraints.txt # selenium # trio-websocket trio-websocket==0.11.1 # via # -c constraints.txt # selenium urllib3[socks]==2.1.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # requests # selenium virtualenv==20.25.0 # via pre-commit wcwidth==0.2.12 # via blessed wheel==0.42.0 # via pip-tools wsproto==1.2.0 # via # -c constraints.txt # trio-websocket # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: pip==23.3.1 # via pip-tools setuptools==69.0.2 # via # nodeenv # pip-tools