
108 lines
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2022-10-28 22:16:23 +02:00
# poetry
name = "charasheet"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Gabriel Augendre <>"]
python = ">=3.10.0, <4"
django = "^4.0"
django-cleanup = ">=6.0"
django-environ = ">=0.9.0"
django-htmx = ">=1.12.2"
django-linear-migrations = ">=2.2.0"
django-extensions = ">=3.1.5"
psycopg2-binary = ">=2.8"
whitenoise = ">=6.2"
uWSGI = ">=2.0.21"
2022-10-29 10:21:11 +02:00
selenium = ">=4.5.0"
2022-10-28 22:16:23 +02:00
django-debug-toolbar = ">=3.2"
pytest = ">=6.0"
pytest-cov = ">=3.0.0"
pytest-django = ">=4.1.0"
pytest-html = ">=3.1.1"
pre-commit = ">=2.1"
model-bakery = ">=1.3.1"
freezegun = ">=1.1.0"
bpython = ">=0.22.1"
poetry-deps-scanner = ">=2.0.0"
invoke = ">=1.7.3"
2022-10-30 09:30:54 +01:00
hypothesis = ">=6.56.4"
2022-10-28 22:16:23 +02:00
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
# pytest
addopts = """
--html=test_reports/pytest_result/pytest.html --color=yes --durations 20
--no-cov-on-fail --strict-markers
-W error
markers = []
minversion = "6.0"
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "charasheet.settings"
junit_family = "xunit1"
norecursedirs = [
testpaths = [
python_files = [
# flake8 / flakeheaven
max_complexity = 10
format = "grouped"
# Base rules
"*" = [
"-E501", # long lines
"-E203", # conflict with black on PEP8 interpretation
"-W503", # deprecated rule:
flake8-builtins = [
"-A003", # class attribute is shadowing a python builtin
flake8-docstrings = [
"-D1??", # missing docstring
flake8-bandit = [
"-S308", # Use of mark_safe() may expose cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and should be reviewed.
"-S703", # Potential XSS on mark_safe function.
# Exceptions
flake8-bandit = [
"-S101", # Use of assert detected.
"-S106", # Possible hardcoded password.
"-S311", # Standard pseudo-random generators are not suitable for security/cryptographic purposes.