--- title: "Create a CSR with SAN" tags: ['Certificates', 'OpenSSL', 'Quick Note', 'TLS'] date: 2022-12-20T13:56:56.467033+00:00 aliases: ["/create-a-csr"] summary: How to generate a CSR for a basic certificate supported by modern browsers --- Another quick note today: how to generate a CSR for a basic certificate supported by modern browsers (includes `Subject Alternative Name`). ## Config file ```plain # example.conf [req] prompt = no distinguished_name = dn req_extensions = req_ext [dn] CN = example.com O = Company Name L = Lyon C = FR [req_ext] subjectAltName = DNS: example.com, IP: ``` Of course, remember to adjust the settings according to the organization you're creating the CSR for: * `[dn]` (distinguished name) section * `subjectAltName` line (DNS and IP) ## Private key ```bash openssl genrsa -out example.key 4096 ``` ## CSR ```bash openssl req -new -config example.conf -key example.key -out example.csr ```