[TL;DR](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tl;dr): I use a password manager and you should too. [Bitwarden](http://bitwarden.com/) is a Free Software alternative.
![Bitwarden Logo](3.svg)
* 1GB of encrypted file storage
* TOTP code generation
You also get the nice feeling of supporting a free software project 🎉
## Get involved
Since Bitwarden is an open source project, it's quite easy to get involved. You can contribute code on [GitHub](https://github.com/bitwarden) or translations on [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/profile/kspearrin). From my experience, contributing code was very pleasant. Kyle (the main developer) was helpful in its feedback and I could improve credit card filling on some of the sites I use regularly.
I'm also involved as a proofreader of the French translation on [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/profile/kspearrin), meaning that I have the final say on what will be included in the French translation of the apps. It's a responsibility I take seriously and we welcome all participation from fellow translators 😊