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import copy
from collections.abc import Iterable
from functools import partial
def main(filename: str, expected_part_1: int = None, expected_part_2: int = None):
print(f"\n+ Running on {filename}")
with open(filename) as f:
data = f.read().strip().split("\n")
data = parse_data(data)
visible_trees = solve_part_1(data)
solution_part_1 = len(visible_trees)
print(f"1. Found {solution_part_1}")
if expected_part_1:
assert expected_part_1 == solution_part_1
solution_part_2 = solve_part_2(data, visible_trees)
print(f"2. Found {solution_part_2}")
if expected_part_2:
assert expected_part_2 == solution_part_2
Forest = DataType = list[list[int]]
Tree = tuple[int, int]
def parse_data(data: list[str]) -> DataType:
grid = []
for row in data:
grid.append(list(map(int, row)))
return grid
def solve_part_1(forest: DataType) -> set[Tree]:
visible = set()
forest = copy.deepcopy(forest)
forest = map(list, zip(*forest)) # transpose grid so cols become rows
visible.update(find_visible_in_rows(forest, swap=True))
return visible
def find_visible_in_rows(forest: Iterable[list[int]], swap: bool = False) -> set[Tree]:
visible = set()
for row, trees in enumerate(forest):
max_height = -1
for col, tree in enumerate(trees):
if tree > max_height:
max_height = tree
visible.add(visible_tree(row, col, swap))
max_height = -1
for col, tree in enumerate(reversed(trees)):
col = len(trees) - col - 1
if tree > max_height:
max_height = tree
visible.add(visible_tree(row, col, swap))
return visible
def visible_tree(row: int, col: int, swap: bool) -> Tree:
if swap:
return col, row
return row, col
def solve_part_2(forest: DataType, visible_trees: set[Tree]) -> int:
# Hypothesis: the tree with the highest scenic score
# is visible from the outside.
max_scenic_score = 0
for tree in filter(partial(is_inside, forest=forest), visible_trees):
scenic_score = compute_scenic_score(tree, forest)
if scenic_score > max_scenic_score:
max_scenic_score = scenic_score
return max_scenic_score
def is_border(tree: Tree, forest: DataType) -> bool:
return 0 in tree or tree[0] == len(forest) - 1 or tree[1] == len(forest[0]) - 1
def is_inside(tree: Tree, forest: DataType) -> bool:
return not is_border(tree, forest)
def compute_scenic_score(tree: Tree, forest: Forest) -> int:
row, col = tree
reference = forest[row][col]
top = 0
while row > 0:
row -= 1
top += 1
visited = forest[row][col]
if visited >= reference:
row, col = tree
bottom = 0
while row < len(forest) - 1:
row += 1
bottom += 1
visited = forest[row][col]
if visited >= reference:
row, col = tree
left = 0
while col > 0:
col -= 1
left += 1
visited = forest[row][col]
if visited >= reference:
row, col = tree
right = 0
while col < len(forest[0]) - 1:
col += 1
right += 1
visited = forest[row][col]
if visited >= reference:
return right * left * top * bottom
if __name__ == "__main__":
main("inputs/day08-test1", expected_part_1=21, expected_part_2=8)
main("inputs/day08", expected_part_1=1690)