import functools import math from typing import Dict def main(filename: str, expected_part_1: int = None, expected_part_2: int = None): print(f"\n+ Running on {filename}") with open(filename) as f: notes ="\n") counter_part_1 = solve_part_1(notes) print(f"1. Found {counter_part_1}") if expected_part_1: assert expected_part_1 == counter_part_1 counter_part_2 = solve_part_2(notes) print(f"2. Found {counter_part_2}") if expected_part_2: assert expected_part_2 == counter_part_2 def solve_part_1(notes) -> int: earliest = int(notes[0]) buses = map(int, filter(lambda bus: bus != "x", notes[1].split(","))) min_delta = math.inf min_bus = None for bus in buses: delta = math.ceil(earliest / bus) * bus - earliest if delta < min_delta: min_delta = delta min_bus = bus return min_bus * min_delta def solve_part_2(notes) -> int: split = notes[1].split(",") modulos = [] remainders = [] for position, bus_index in enumerate(split): if bus_index == "x": continue bus_index = int(bus_index) modulos.append(bus_index) remainders.append(bus_index - position) return chinese_remainder(modulos, remainders) def chinese_remainder(modulos, remainders): """List of modulos, then list of remainders""" # # License: total = 0 prod = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, modulos) for modulo, remainder in zip(modulos, remainders): p = prod // modulo total += remainder * mul_inv(p, modulo) * p return total % prod def mul_inv(a, b): # # License: b0 = b x0, x1 = 0, 1 if b == 1: return 1 while a > 1: q = a // b a, b = b, a % b x0, x1 = x1 - q * x0, x0 if x1 < 0: x1 += b0 return x1 if __name__ == "__main__": n = [3, 5, 7] a = [2, 3, 2] print(chinese_remainder(n, a)) def solve_part_2_iterative(notes) -> int: """Works but far too slow for the real deal.""" split = notes[1].split(",") buses = list(map(int, filter(lambda bus: bus != "x", split))) minutes = {} # type: Dict[int, int] biggest_bus = max(buses) biggest_bus_index = split.index(str(biggest_bus)) for bus in buses: minutes[split.index(str(bus)) - biggest_bus_index] = bus found = False timestamp = 99999999999628 while not found: timestamp += biggest_bus found = True for delta, bus in minutes.items(): if (timestamp + delta) % bus != 0: found = False break return timestamp + min(minutes.keys()) if __name__ == "__main__": main("inputs/day13-test1", 295, 1068781) main("inputs/day13-test2", None, 3417) main("inputs/day13-test3", None, 754018) main("inputs/day13-test4", None, 779210) main("inputs/day13-test5", None, 1261476) main("inputs/day13-test6", None, 1202161486) main("inputs/day13", 4315, 556100168221141)