import functools from collections import Counter from typing import Dict def main(filename: str, expected_part_1: int = None, expected_part_2: int = None): print(f"\n+ Running on {filename}") with open(filename) as f: seat_map = seat_map_part_1 = SeatMap(seat_map) seat_map_part_1.evolve_until_stable() counter_part_1 = seat_map_part_1.total_number_of_occupied() seat_map_part_2 = SeatMapPart2(seat_map) seat_map_part_2.evolve_until_stable() counter_part_2 = seat_map_part_2.total_number_of_occupied() print(f"1. Found {counter_part_1}") if expected_part_1: assert expected_part_1 == counter_part_1 print(f"2. Found {counter_part_2}") if expected_part_2: assert expected_part_2 == counter_part_2 Coordinates = tuple[int, int] class SeatMap: OCCUPIED = "#" FREE = "L" FLOOR = "." EMPTY_THRESHOLD = 4 def __init__(self, seat_map: str): self._map = dict() # type: Dict[Coordinates, str] rows = seat_map.split("\n") for row_id, row in enumerate(rows): for col_id, cell in enumerate(row): self._map[(row_id, col_id)] = cell self._map_height = len(rows) self._map_width = len(rows[0]) def __str__(self): final = [] for row_id in range(0, self._map_height): row = [] for col_id in range(0, self._map_width): row.append(self._square_at((row_id, col_id))) final.append("".join(row)) return "\n".join(final) + "\n" def _square_at(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> str: return self._map[coordinates] def total_number_of_occupied(self) -> int: counter = Counter("".join(self._map.values())) return counter[self.OCCUPIED] def evolve_until_stable(self): old_map = self._map next_stage_map = self._evolve() while next_stage_map != old_map: old_map = next_stage_map next_stage_map = self._evolve() def _evolve(self): next_stage_map = dict() for coord, square in self._map.items(): next_stage_map[coord] = self._square_evolve(square, coord) self._map = next_stage_map return self._map def _square_evolve(self, square: str, coordinates: Coordinates) -> str: if square == self.FLOOR: return square occupied_adjacent = self._number_of_occupied_adjacent(coordinates) if square == self.FREE and occupied_adjacent == 0: return self.OCCUPIED if square == self.OCCUPIED and occupied_adjacent >= self.EMPTY_THRESHOLD: return self.FREE return square def _number_of_occupied_adjacent(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> int: count_occupied = 0 for seat in self._visible_seats(coordinates): if seat == self.OCCUPIED: count_occupied += 1 return count_occupied def _visible_seats(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> list[str]: adjacent_cells = [ self._find_top_left(coordinates), self._find_top(coordinates), self._find_top_right(coordinates), self._find_right(coordinates), self._find_bottom_right(coordinates), self._find_bottom(coordinates), self._find_bottom_left(coordinates), self._find_left(coordinates), ] return list(map(self._square_at, filter(None, adjacent_cells))) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_top_left(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (-1, -1)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_with_delta( self, coordinates: Coordinates, delta: tuple[int, int] ) -> Coordinates | None: other_coord = (coordinates[0] + delta[0], coordinates[1] + delta[1]) try: self._square_at(other_coord) except KeyError: return None return other_coord @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_top(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (-1, 0)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_top_right(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (-1, 1)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_right(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (0, 1)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_bottom_right(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (1, 1)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_bottom(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (1, 0)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_bottom_left(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (1, -1)) @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_left(self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Coordinates | None: return self._find_with_delta(coordinates, (0, -1)) class SeatMapPart2(SeatMap): EMPTY_THRESHOLD = 5 @functools.lru_cache(None) def _find_with_delta( self, coordinates: Coordinates, delta: tuple[int, int] ) -> Coordinates | None: other_coord = (coordinates[0] + delta[0], coordinates[1] + delta[1]) try: other_square = self._square_at(other_coord) while other_square == self.FLOOR: other_coord = (other_coord[0] + delta[0], other_coord[1] + delta[1]) other_square = self._square_at(other_coord) except KeyError: return None return other_coord if __name__ == "__main__": main("inputs/day11-test1", 37, 26) main("inputs/day11", 2324, 2068)