from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict @dataclass class Node: name: str orbits_over: "Node" = None def is_origin(self) -> bool: return == "com" def count_hops(self): return len(self.chain()) - 1 # Not counting self but it's part of the chain def chain(self): chain = [self] current = self while not current.is_origin(): current = current.orbits_over chain.append(current) return chain def common_chain(self, other: "Node") -> list["Node"]: chain = [] for el1, el2 in zip(reversed(self.chain()), reversed(other.chain())): if el1 != el2: break chain.append(el1) return chain def __str__(self) -> str: if self.orbits_over: return f"{}){}" else: return def __eq__(self, other: "Node") -> bool: return == def main(): with open("inputs/day06") as f: orbits = objects = dict() # type: Dict[str, Node] for orbit in orbits: stator, rotor = orbit.split(")") stator = objects.get(stator, Node(name=stator)) rotor = objects.get(rotor, Node(name=rotor)) rotor.orbits_over = stator objects[] = stator objects[] = rotor me = objects["YOU"] santa = objects["SAN"] print(me.count_hops() + santa.count_hops() - 2 * len(me.common_chain(santa))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()