import os import re import sys from collections import defaultdict from xml.etree import ElementTree import click from ofxtools.Parser import OFXTree from ofxtools.header import make_header from ofx_processor.utils import ynab def _process_name_and_memo(name, memo): if "CB****" in name: conversion = re.compile(r"\d+,\d{2}[a-zA-Z]{3}") match = if match: res_name = memo[: match.start() - 1] res_memo = name + memo[match.start() - 1 :] else: res_name = memo res_memo = name return res_name, res_memo, True return name, memo, False def process_name_and_memo(transaction): return _process_name_and_memo(, transaction.memo) @click.command() @click.argument("ofx_filename") @click.option( "--ynab/--no-ynab", "push_to_ynab", default=True, help="Push data directly to YNAB.", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--file/--no-file", "output_file", default=False, help="Write a processed file.", show_default=True, ) def cli(ofx_filename, push_to_ynab, output_file): parser = OFXTree() try: parser.parse(ofx_filename) except FileNotFoundError: click.secho("Couldn't open ofx file", fg="red") sys.exit(1) ofx = parser.convert() if ofx is None: click.secho("Couldn't parse ofx file", fg="red") sys.exit(1) ynab_transactions = [] transaction_ids = defaultdict(int) for transaction in ofx.statements[0].transactions:, transaction.memo, edited = process_name_and_memo(transaction) if edited: click.secho( "Edited transaction {} ({})".format( transaction.checknum, ), fg="blue", ) date = transaction.dtposted.isoformat().split("T")[0] amount = int(transaction.trnamt * 1000) import_id = f"YNAB:{amount}:{date}" transaction_ids[import_id] += 1 occurrence = transaction_ids[import_id] import_id = f"{import_id}:{occurrence}" ynab_transactions.append( { "date": date, "amount": amount, "payee_name":, "memo": transaction.memo, "import_id": import_id, } ) click.secho(f"Processed {len(ynab_transactions)} transactions total.", fg="blue") if output_file: header = str(make_header(version=102)) root = ofx.to_etree() data = ElementTree.tostring(root).decode() processed_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ofx_filename), "processed.ofx") with open(processed_file, "w") as f: f.write(header + data) click.secho("{} written".format(processed_file), fg="green") if push_to_ynab: ynab.push_transactions(ynab_transactions, "bpvf") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()